December 07, 2003

Photos of the Day (Winter Weather Edition)

Tire tracks in the snow that look like a Christmas TreeJack was excitedly pointing out the front window yelling that he saw a Christmas tree. We both looked and could not see any trees outside at all. I thought he might have meant he saw a green car the same color as a tree (one was out there). Turns out, he meant the pattern of tire tracks in the snow. See it?
Nice afternoon light on the townhouses(Click for larger version) The late-afternoon light on the townhomes was downright pretty.
Sunlight Reflecting off a Window late winter afternoonSunlight reflecting off a nearby house's windows.
Jack throwing snowJack throwing snow. He had a blast outside on our postage-stamp front lawn.
Posted by andyjw at December 7, 2003 04:58 PM | TrackBack