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LisaGanza '96!
Herein are some pictures Ann and I took at LisaGanza '96. Enjoy!
Wes Wrote:
Most of the other people, intelligently wearing swimsuits, ventured into
the water and had a blast. Wearing no swimsuit, I could not do likewise.
Duh. Not one of my finer moments. Nevertheless, I did at least have the
wit to get near the food, scarfing down what the pool-goers didn't have as
ready access to.
Michelle wrote:
Shae and I
terrorized all as the Lochness Monster of the pool...
I amazed everyone with my ability to not spill beer when turned over
on a raft.
Andy wrote:
I can't believe I went on the Anaconda. I am absolutely terrified of the first 10 seconds of any
roller coaster. The rest of the time, I love it. But it takes a lot to keep me from climbing
out in that first ten seconds...
Other Pictures
A smattering of pictures that may amuse (or horrify) you.